St Justin’s Parish Primary school opened in February 1984 as a second school in the parish of Good Shepherd, Mulgrave. It moved to its present site in June 1984. It became a parish in 1986 with the appointment of Fr Michael Wheeler as Parish Priest. The second stage of the school building, consisting of eight classrooms, opened in 1992. In 2003 the Administration block was fully refurbished along with the staffroom and the library. The Performing Arts Centre was constructed in 2005 followed by the Wheeler wing in 2010, consisting of 8 classroom and a variety of shared learning spaces and offices. In 2015 the school installed their outdoor kitchen which has enhanced their sustainability program immensely.
Our school is situated on a beautiful 3 hectare site in Wheeler's Hill. We have two, synthetically grassed ovals, a netball court, a basketball court and paved areas marked with games. Our back oval provides views of the Dandenong Ranges. We are close to a shopping centre, an art gallery, a local library and a retirement village.

St Justin was born in Palestine 100AD. His father brought him up as a pagan. When he was a boy, he read poetry, history, and science. As he grew up, he kept on studying, but for one purpose only. He was looking for the truth about God.
One day as he was walking along the shore of the sea, Justin met an old man. They began to talk together and since he looked troubled, the old man asked him what kind of doubts he had. Justin answered that he was unhappy because he had not found anything certain about God in all the books he had read. The old man told him about Our Lord Jesus Christ and encouraged him to pray so that he would be able to understand the truth about God.
St Justin began to pray and to read the word of God in the Bible, which he grew to love very much. He was also impressed on seeing how bravely the martyrs were dying for the Christian faith.
After learning more about the Christian religion, Justin became a Christian himself. Then he used his great knowledge to explain and defend the Faith with many writings.
It was in Rome that St. Justin was arrested for being a Christian. The judge asked him, “Do you think that by dying you will enter Heaven and be rewarded?” “I don’t just think,” the Saint answered. “I am sure” and he died a martyr.

The cross stands for our Catholic faith. The transmission of this faith is the fundamental reason for the school's existence.
The letter J symbolises our patron saint, Saint Justin.
The semi-circle represents our school site which is on a hill.
Our Motto is: “All Children Can Achieve Success”.

Help us as we walk our pilgrim way to Heaven.
May St Justin be our guide.
Grant us his strength of faith and wisdom so we may remain united as one family, growing in love in our parish of St Justin.
St Justin pray for us.

We are St. Justin’s Parish Primary School.
A Catholic faith community of learners,
Sustained by the Word of God.
Our vision is to create a place of openness,
respect and action;
Striving for individual potential.
We believe in success for all,
Through Faith, Learning and Partnership.
“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

At St Justin’s Parish School we are committed to:
Developing an understanding of the Catholic Faith and Doctrine
Being models of Christian living, showing how Faith and contemporary life can be integrated
Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Developing an atmosphere of trust and care within the school
Providing an environment that encourages self-esteem and positive interaction
Providing a comprehensive curriculum that covers all Key Learning Areas
Designing the curriculum with the understanding that individuals learn best at their own rate and all efforts should be recognised
Respecting the unique contribution that each child makes as part of the school and society
Welcoming and actively encouraging all members of the community to participate in the life of the school
Recognising and respecting cultural differences

We commit to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people enrolled in our school.
We commit to providing children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences.
At St. Justin’s we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel.
In accordance to Ministerial Order No. 1359 and the mandated Child Safe Standards, St Justin’s makes child safety a priority and has developed policy that applies to all school staff, including school employees, volunteers, contractors and clergy.
The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is fundamental to Catholic education. We commit to providing a safe and nurturing culture for all children and young people in Victorian Catholic school through:
Upholding the primacy of the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Empowering families, children, young people and staff to have a voice and raise concerns.
Implementing rigorous risk-management and employment practices.
St Justin’s Parish Primary school School Child Safety Strategy includes eleven Child Safe Standards, but is not limited to the:
Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued;
Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture;
Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously;
Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing;
Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice;
People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice;
Processes for complaints and concerns are child-focused;
Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training;
Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed:
Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved;
Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.
The following principles underpin our commitment to child safety at St Justin’s Parish Primary School:
All students deserve, as a fundamental right, safety and protection from all forms of abuse and neglect.
Our school works in partnership with families and the community to ensure that they are engaged in decision-making processes, particularly those that have an impact on child safety and protection.
All students have the right to a thorough and systematic education in all aspects of personal safety, in partnership with their parents/guardians/caregivers.
All adults in our school, including teaching and non-teaching staff, clergy, volunteers, and contractors, have a responsibility to care for children and young people, to positively promote their wellbeing and to protect them from any kind of harm or abuse.
The policies, guidelines and codes of conduct for the care, wellbeing and protection of students are based on honest, respectful and trusting relationships between adults and children and young people.
Policies and practices demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements and cooperation with the Church, governments, the police and human services agencies.
All persons involved in situations where harm is suspected or disclosed must be treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect.
Staff, clergy, volunteers, contractors, parents and students should feel free to raise concerns about child safety, knowing these will be taken seriously by school leadership.
Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained, with information being provided to those who have a right or a need to be informed, either legally or pastorally.